Empowering Your Green Dreams, One Garden at a Time, by Helping You Raise, Tend, and Harvest Your Food to Feed Your Family Well.


Welcome to the ReGen Gardens website! Explore the joys of sustainable living, discover gardening tips, and eco-friendly solutions to your garden problems. From full service garden installation to DIY projects, we're here to inspire and empower you on your journey to a greener lifestyle.


Learning to garden is challenging. With so much to learn and understand, it's easy to feel overwhelmed by the uncertainty. At ReGen Gardens, we're here to simplify the process, maximize your efforts, and support you every step of the way as you cultivate your gardening dreams.

COMING SOON! Regen Garden blog with easy-to-understand gardening tips.

“Jonny designed and built an incredible lawn garden bed structure that looks and feels like it fits into our landscape. The result is extremely sturdy and built to last, so we plan on having easy height access to our garden through the whole planting season if not all year long! We were able to take our lawn space and transform it into more than enough to feed us and pass the bounty onto our families and friends with perennial plantings and room for annuals."

- Aaron B.